$Hamsty always making profits!
By the light of my trusty computer screen, I furiously run on my hamster wheel all night, not for the exercise, but to generate crypto profits! Who knew such tiny paws could power the blockchain?
Remember the early days of the internet when your dial-up connection struggled to keep up with your Hamster Dance obsession? Well, guess what? The hamsters are back, and they're groovier than ever! 🎶
There's a new memecoin in town, and it's bringing back the glory days of the internet.
Introducing $HAMSTY—the stealth-launched, tax-free, LP-burnt, contract-renounced coin that's here to make memecoins great again!
Fueled by the pure power of the Hamster Dance meme, $HAMSTY is for the people, by the people, forever. Let the adorable hamsters show you the way to memetic riches and join the frenzy of $HAMSTY mania. 🚀🐹💰
Set Up Your Wallet
Install MetaMask or your preferred wallet from the App Store or Google Play Store for free. For desktop users, add the MetaMask extension to Google Chrome by visiting metamask.io.
Acquire ETH
Ensure you have Ethereum (ETH) in your wallet to exchange for $HAMSTY. If you don't possess any ETH, you can purchase directly on MetaMask, transfer from another wallet, or obtain it from an alternate exchange and transfer it to your wallet.
Access Uniswap
Connect to Uniswap by navigating to app.uniswap.org on Google Chrome or using the browser within your MetaMask app. Connect your wallet to the platform. Paste the $HAMSTY token address into Uniswap, select the token, and confirm the transaction. When prompted by MetaMask for a wallet signature, sign the transaction.
Exchange ETH for $HAMSTY
Trade your ETH for $HAMSTY tokens. We impose no taxes, so you don't need to fret about setting a specific slippage rate, although it may be advisable to adjust slippage during periods of market volatility.
Token Supply:
811, 319, 205, 800, 000
95% Liquidity
5% CEX listing
Tax-free. It's as straightforward as that.
LP tokens are incinerated, and contract ownership is renounced.
Phase 1: Bring back the glory days of the internet
Phase 2: Let’s dance
Phase 3: HODL
Phase 4: Rule the world